Pb and J Funny Pretentious Description

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This was a post on our local island FB Group
This was a post on our local island FB Group

This picture perfectly sums up where I live. I'm sure there are people from big "hip" cities that have seen the same on a menu. Again, I will point out that this isn't a joke, there is a shop selling $19 Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches on the island (Nantucket).

Anyone else have a "Yeh, gotta live here to understand" weirdness? Or, a "We sell this to the tourists....its worth a nicke...well sell it for $20" items?

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I may go make one, with a hell of a lot more food value. Certainly not white bread.....

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@bybeach: What kind of bread we talking here? Personally I've started really appreciating heavy wheat, or bread with a lot of oats on the crust and stuff. Would have hated it as a kid. My girlfriend hates all bread but white so it's a battle to get anything else in the house :(

Also Strawberry "relish" > all others

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Are you sure this isn't a joke? If the answer is yes, then would you be so kind to check again and make sure this is not a joke.

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Yeah...that doesn't look like a brioche bun.

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@bybeach: What kind of bread we talking here? Personally I've started really appreciating heavy wheat, or bread with a lot of oats on the crust and stuff. Would have hated it as a kid. My girlfriend hates all bread but white so it's a battle to get anything else in the house :(

Also Strawberry "relish" > all others

Not advertising, but what I have settled on is the Eureka SAAA-WHEAT! has a picture of a dude who looks like he also grows something else. Dave's bread is similar and a close second.

For peanut butter I use the Santa Cruz organic brand, chunky dark roasted. Jam, not much choice there, Smuckers Low Sugar strawberry.

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This joke image was all over Facebook in the last 24 hours. It's spreading fast. Originally from Tumblr. This is like the 3rd new version. They added the city and the price.

And, yeah, that is white sandwich bread, not brioche. Original version was funnier.

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white sandwich bread, not brioche

Slice of Pullman's Loaf to be exact.

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Yeah, here's the original.

Such a bastion of original content, Facebook is.

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I live in NYC. I delivered an $18 cheeseburger yesterday. I know what you mean.

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@awesomeusername: the cow was slaughtered with Excalibur and cooked in the fires of Mount Doom.

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does not compute...

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This joke image was all over Facebook in the last 24 hours. It's spreading fast. Originally from Tumblr. This is like the 3rd new version. They added the city and the price.

And, yeah, that is white sandwich bread, not brioche. Original version was funnier.

3rd version? I feel like this is an old school internet joke. though maybe not using the exact terms show here

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We have good pizza over here, in addition to the take out stuff. It's entirely different, and watching what the GB crew gets excited about when they talk about 'pizza' has me scratching my head.

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@bradbrains: I used to be a high end cook before having kids. This joke is as old as pretentious food naming.

And, yeah, I meant the 3rd instance of this exact phrasing and image pairing that I've personally seen.

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As a non-American I've never had a PB&J sandwich. I can't imagine it being good. I just eat bread with butter and cheese and maybe ham. But each country eat bread differently. Our neighbors in Norway eat bread with chocolate on. I remember thinking that was so strange when I was a kid visiting Norway. Not that I complained, what kid would not want chocolate, but it sure seemed strange to me. We have some weird things on bread here too like caviar and liver paste but I don't eat that shit.

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Damn...I was fooled. But mostly because sandwich go for $10 to $19 out here. Seeing $19 I was in-sensed, but not shocked. But they got me! Here is a real menu or a typical bread (like store size square bread 5" x 5") sandwich w/o chips.

I was fooled for sure...

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@dagas: PB&J is the type of thing you throw together if you're feeling super lazy and just need something in your stomach. It's not "good", but it tastes fine and serves its purpose.

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I live in NYC. I delivered an $18 cheeseburger yesterday. I know what you mean.

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A burger no topping, just lettuce, tomato, onions $10 - No sides, no cheese, no bacon that all extra. Its a nice buger, but a lunch with a drink, a side, and a slab or cheese $20 at that point - before tip.

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I used to the think the same about gourmet hotdogs, don't knock it till you try it! ;-)

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@zeik: eating pb+j is about the only time ill drink milk straight from a glass. it truly is divine.

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I could understand charging $19 for a peanut butter and jam sandwich, but a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Madness.

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@zeik: Actually it is a great thing to eat if you get high quality ingredients. The shit PB and the sugary J on crap white bread is what we call bad.

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@beardandcompany said:

@zeik: Actually it is a great thing to eat if you get high quality ingredients. The shit PB and the sugary J on crap white bread is what we call bad.

I'll have to disagree. Even with good ingredients a PB&J is only a decent sandwhich. (I haven't had plain white bread in like 15 years.)

Any kind of sandwhich is better with good ingredients, but if you had a choice of any sandwhich in the world, with the best ingredients for it that you can find, no sane person would choose a PB&J.

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I realize it's a joke but I'd order a fancy PB & J. Lots of crap like that can be elevated. I've spent way to much on fancy grilled cheeses and fancy hot dogs, but it's usually an amazing experience.

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I live in San Francisco so everyday I walk past novelty restaurants charging insane prices.

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This is why I cook at home.

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@monkeyking1969: I just looked up the menu for the restaurant that I got the burger from. $18 for a "classic burger" that comes with lettuce, tomato, pickles, cheese, and special sauce. That comes with no side or anything. Easily costs more then the menu you showed. That cheese better be sliced from gold at this point.

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That is expensive. Also THE VIDEO IS F-F-F-F-F-F-F-A-T!

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@zeik: This is clearly personal opinion...but this isn't one of those "choose any sandwich in the world" scenarios. I'm talking normal day-to-day.

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There used to be a place in the Moorestown Mall in New Jersey that sold just variations of Peanut butter sandwiches. "Yo do you want a PB sandwich with nutella, marshmellow spred, M&M's and bacon? We can do that!"

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@zeik: Actually it is a great thing to eat if you get high quality ingredients. The shit PB and the sugary J on crap white bread is what we call bad.

It's pretty funny how crazy people get about sugar as if it's poison. Calling something 'sugary jelly' is especially hilarious. It's jelly. Jelly is made from sugar. In fact, if jelly doesn't have at least 80% sugar, you can't call it jelly by law. Similar to how you can't call peanut butter peanut butter if it doesn't contain 85% or so peanuts. I'm assuming here the US has similar regulations at least.

Also just a reminder that there is no scientific evidence that ingredients which are perceived as high quality are actually better for your health. Ingredient quality may matter depending on the type of food and the source thereof especially, but people are less able to tell the difference between actual quality and perceived quality. Knowing where your meat comes from is entirely different from how it looks or tastes.

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@beardandcompany said:

@zeik: This is clearly personal opinion...but this isn't one of those "choose any sandwich in the world" scenarios. I'm talking normal day-to-day.

My point was basically that if you have access to high quality ingredients then make a better sandwhich than a PB&J. If the only high quality ingredients you own are Peanut Butter and Jelly then I think something has gone wrong somewhere along the line.

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@zevvion: Jelly, jam, fig butter, apple butter, marmalade, whatever. I usually prefer anything but the first because it tends to be sweeter anyways. I suppose I am referring to naturally sweet as opposed to added sugar. I prefer a less processed peanut butter, even homemade, as opposed to a processed and super smooth type. Don't act like it's ridiculous that I said that.

I also never said for my health and I never acted like it's poison, purely a taste thing. Why give me "just a reminder" when you're CLEARLY looking for this type of argument.

@zeik Why even have peanut butter or jelly to begin with? I see where you are going but it sounds like your fridge is filled with filet mignon and caviar with only the finest grown produce on the planet.

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Only at giantbomb.com where PB&J is ground for intense discussion.

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I'm all for a Fluffernutter, right this second. Would not spend $9 on a Fluffernutter, unless it had thick slabs of crisp bacon.

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@beardandcompany: More like the opposite. I buy what is affordable. If I'm going to splurge on good ingredients it's usually not on Peanut Butter and Jelly though. I'd rather use that money on a better sandwhich. I certainly have access to fresh ground peanut butter and gourmet jelly if I wanted it, but it's not usually worth the money and effort.

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@zeik: See that's the thing. It doesn't cost much $ to get good ingredients for that. You don't have to go to Whole Foods.

Also, you should never splurge on good ingredients. You should only use good ingredients.

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@beardandcompany said:

@zeik: See that's the thing. It doesn't cost much $ to get good ingredients for that. You don't have to go to Whole Foods.

Also, you should never splurge on good ingredients. You should only use good ingredients.

Fresh ground peanut butter isn't that expensive, but I do have to go out of my way to get it. It's not something they offer everywhere. (And if it's not everywhere even in Oregon I guarantee most of America would have it harder.) High quality jelly and jam is definitely expensive though.

Sometimes you have to buy cheap food when you're poor. I avoid buying bargain bin garbage as much as possible, but really good ingredients are definitely not something I can buy all the time. Like if I wanted to make a really good Club Sandwhich I would have to spend a whole lot more on the bread, turkey, and bacon than I can justify all the time. But I'd do that sooner than buying expensive Jelly.

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Only at giantbomb.com where PB&J is ground for intense discussion.

the pb&j snobs coming out of the woodworks!

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I'm so mad because none of those words accurately describe any of the elements of the sandwich in the photo. In what universe is that brioche, and if someone's going to ask if peanut butter is purée and if jelly is relish, I'm going to lose my mind.

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@zeik: I've been broke before, man. Cheap food doesn't have to mean bad food, though.

What does "expensive jelly" have to do with anything? The most expensive stuff I'll buy is a $2.99 jar of fig butter from Trader Joe's. Real good quality peanut butter is maybe $2.49.

My only notable point is high quality doesn't mean expensive.

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@wolf_blitzer85 said:

Only at giantbomb.com where PB&J is ground for intense discussion.

the pb&j snobs coming out of the woodworks!

If you can't appreciate a regular ass peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you probably had a terrible childhood.


Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/forums/off-topic-31/this-is-realno-joke-pbandj-for-19-okay-well-9-1800840/

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